We have a 30-day refund policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a refund. Please see the requirements for refund eligibility below. In any case when you are eligible for a refund, we may offer you a choice of replacement instead.
To be eligible for a refund or replacement, your item must be damaged upon receipt (e.g. broken, crushed, stale), incomplete (e.g. only five loaves of bread in a six-loaf bundle), or incorrectly fulfilled (e.g. three loaves of white bread if three loaves of cranberry bread were ordered). Please inspect your item immediately upon receipt to ensure that none of these problems has occurred. Please include photographs of damage in emails to us.
You may also be eligible for a refund or replacement upon nondelivery if the shipping address you entered was accurate. Our software copies the shipping address exactly as it was entered at checkout. When placing your order, please double-check the shipping address before moving to the next page, as your web browser may attempt to "help" you by autofilling information that may not be accurate, which may waive your eligibility for a refund.
If the shipping address you entered was accurate, monksbread.com assumes all responsibility for nondelivery or damage that happens prior to delivery. If you receive a notification that your order was delivered or see by the tracking number that it was delivered, and the order does not arrive at your address on the same day, please contact us so we can determine the next steps to make sure your order gets to you. This responsibility does not extend to minor delays. If bread is hard or dry upon delivery, it is considered a quality issue, not a delivery issue, and therefore may be eligible for a refund.
To request a refund, you can contact us at monksbread@gmail.com. Please note that you may not need to return bread or damaged items to receive a refund. If you receive non-bread items in good condition in error, we will cover all costs of returning those items.
You can always contact us for any refund question at monksbread@gmail.com.